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Tag Archives | DeFi wallet

Alameda-backed Fordefi Raises $18 Million For Institutional Defi Wallet

Software wallets are free, while hardware wallets can be found through purchase. Dima Kogan, Fordefi’s CTO, said you can find two key aspects to custodial solutions. Fordefi’s wallet is MPC, or multiparty computation, meaning it distributes a user’s private keys while allowing users to easily connect with dapps still. The second is ensuring whenever a […]

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Multi-service Defi Platform In Your Pocket

Mills lamented about the access denial of DeFi users on Ethereum due to wallet and location content. Decentralized Finance is one emerging sector in the crypto industry that is in the limelight for a while. DeFi protocols offer users usage of peer-to-peer digital exchanges, eliminating third-party involvement like banks. Fordefi’s first product is really a […]

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